
I started thinking about vulnerability when the chain broke on my bicycle.  In theory, a broken bicycle chain shouldn’t make me feel vulnerable, but I guess feelings have less to do with theories and more to do with what is happening within and around us.  There is a...


We cancelled our road trip out to California because I was afraid that we’d encounter too many people who weren’t wearing masks. I recently talked with someone who said that hardly anyone was wearing masks when they visited a friend in Indiana. I feared that states...


I think I am becoming a better listener during this pandemic period.  At least I have become a better listener with birds.  I notice the sounds of birds more than ever before when I’m in the woods with my dog.  I sometimes even take the time to tell the birds, “You...


I was waiting in line to get into a store and found myself feeling impatient.  We never used to have to wait in line to get into a store.  We only had to wait in line once we were in a store and wanted to pay to get out of the store.  This pandemic period has us doing...


A loyal blog follower tells me what a tough time it is for youth soccer coaches.  This makes sense, given that coaches need players to do their jobs.  I wonder if coaches will appreciate all of their players more once their seasons resume.  Some coaches only...